Eric Leegwater
I started kiting in 2002. My first kite was a Nasawing. For 2 years I had a lot of fun with this kite until I discovered the kitebuggy sport. Fist I rented a buggy each weekend and then in 2006 I bought my own buggy. In 2010 I started buggy racing and become Dutch champion in the Open Class the same year. Moving up to the Master Class I took me another 6 years of further training to become Dutch Champion for 3 years in a row in the Master Class.
Since 2005 I am snowkiting, first on a 240 cm long snowboard I had especially made for snowkite racing. My favourite spot are the endless open plains of the Hardangervidda plateau in Norway. I have raced all Red Bull Ragnarok editions and 3 times the Vake Endurance snowkite race on skis. In 2016 I crossed Greenland snowking from South to North. Since then I only use skis for snowkiting.
I live close to beach, so whne the weather is ok, I go out for a kitefoil session or a long distance tour along our beautiful Dutch coast line.
I love racing and I love endurance races in particular. The Les Hemmes 8 hr kitebuggy endurance race I love to race solo (and win !).
Since a couple of years I am now learning hydrofoil kiting, probably the most technical advanced kite sport; the need for having a good sense of balance is my challenge before I will consider foil racing; I still crash too often !
For long distance and endurance racing, but also for technical course racing, I have always relied on Peter Lynn foil kites since I started racing in 2010.
Name | Eric Leegwater |
Country | |
Age | 03 |
Height | 192 |
Weight | 92 kg |
Disciplines | Foiling, Buggy, Snow |
I just love the way the Peter Lynn foil kites behave...soo predictable and eager to go fast. For me no tube kites !
It all started with the famous Vapor fixed bridle kites, even during my first year of kitebuggy racing, these race kites made me feel confident during every single race.
When the depower races kites came into the market, the level of confidence increased and allowed me to get the maximum out of the kite and myself.
For me, the Peter Lynn foil kites are top notch quality with excellent racing performance yet easy to fly.